Monday, August 3, 2009

Can your ear still be clogged, even if the ENT says it looks clear?

I was diagnosed with an ear infection about a week ago and put on an antibiotic. A few days after that, my left ear completely clogged up. I've tried everything I can to pop it, but the only thing that halfway works is blowing my nose really hard. I went to an ENT today, and he looked in my ears and said that they were completely clear. He tested my hearing, and I passed with flying colors. The thing is, I can't even hear myself swallow.

I am suffering from sinus troubles, and I'm taking a 12 hour decongestant pill. This seems to help pop my ear at first, but then it just re-clogs. I also suffer from TMJ.

I guess I'm just wondering what my problem could be if my ENT couldn't see anything. Is it sinus related? Does my TMJ have anything to do with it? I don't really know a whole lot about ear problems, since I've never really had any...

Thanks in advance!

Can your ear still be clogged, even if the ENT says it looks clear?
You had an ear infection and when you went back to the doctor he did not see redness, bulging, loss of landmarks, and probably saw a good light reflex. But if he or she did not blow air through the otoscope and observed your ear drums move back and forth, he most likely missed the fact that you have fluid in the meddle ear, and the sound waves can not travel well under those conditions and you feel a bit difficult to hear yet. It should go away. Studies show that decongestant do not help much ( at least in children) It may work for you. I hope this helped answering your concern,
Reply:TMJ. that's the problem. seek treatment from a chiropractor who can realign your jaw, use a night guard, and listen to your specialist.

under my skin

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