Sunday, April 19, 2009

When Lizzy advocates or pops her clogs?

should the crown skip Charlie and go strait to Willy?

When Lizzy advocates or pops her clogs?
Under the rules of succession and British law you cannot just skip a king/queen because you don%26#039;t like him/her. For the throne to go directly to William - either Charles would have to renounce his right to the throne or he would have to predecease the Queen.

Also it is highly unlikely the Queen will abdicate as it is traditional in the UK to reign until you die. George IV was Prince Regent until his father died. If the Queen was incapacitated it is likely that the same would be done for Prince Charles (i.e. carries out all the duties of a monarch).
Reply:The crown should be melted down and used for something far more useful. The Royal family should then sell up their assets and return them to the newly formed Republic of Great Britain. Buckingham Palace should be made into a youth hostel for backpackers. Windsor Castle should be given to the National Trust. Then I would vote Alan Sugar to be El Presidente as I am sure he would get this country back on it%26#039;s feet by improving the NHS and the education system. The former royal family could then got on with there lives without all the media hype and paparazzi peering in.
Reply:*sigh* very fed up of answering this question. Will point you in the direction of the chap above me whos nailed it to a T.
Reply:yes I think it should
Reply:The royal family is an irrelevant anachronism.

Basically they are tourist attractions - the British equivalent of the guy who dresses up as %26#039;Mickey Mouse%26#039; at Disneyland.

Lizzy, charlie, willy, harry, or one of the corgis, it makes no difference
Reply:abdicates! and don%26#039;t be so disrespectful!
Reply:think you mean %26quot;abdicates%26quot; pal. advocates means to speak on behalf off. in answer, just get rid off the whole sad lot of them. i for one do not like being a subject and much prefer to be a citizen.
Reply:Give to to Harri instead then he can start his own %26#039;war for one%26#039; and see some action that way.
Reply:HAHAHA You crazy Limeys and your ridiculous reverence you have for the queen. In America we don%26#039;t have a royal family. Just rich big business families that f*ck the country up for their own ambition.

You guys don%26#039;t know what your missing. (Then again, the UK does whatever we tell them to do, so, you kinda get a taste).

this day in history

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