Saturday, July 25, 2009

I had my spleen removed does this cause blood clogs in the lungs or heart?

After the spleen is removed, platelets numbers tend to rise in the blood. This means that the blood will clot more readily. It does not necessaryily mean that you will get blood clots in the lungs or heart.

You should remember that in every person the lungs act a filter, filtering out small blood clots in normal circumstances. Hence small blood clots do not normally cause problems. So you should know that the body can deal with blood clots so that they not cause problems.

You must understand that life threatening clots come in different circumstances.

I had my spleen removed does this cause blood clogs in the lungs or heart?
Any type of surgery you have will cause clotting. Therefore, you are at risk for clots in your heart, lungs, brain, etc. However, it is not common. The doctor should have sent you home with warning signs that you might have a clot. For example, chest pain, numbness, shortness of breath are all signs that indicate you may have a clot. Contact your doctor for more signs and symptoms. But... yes, you might have clots.
Reply:Although one function of the spleen is filtering the blood, unusual clotting problems are not one of the consequences of splenectomy. The web site below gives some easy toread and understand information. Also, as the other answerer said, check with your doctor for answers to your specific questions.

under my skin

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