Saturday, July 25, 2009

Would you prefer to be buried or cremated when you pop your clogs?

I want my wife to bury me in my garden and plant a nut or fruit tree on top of me, so that my nutrients can help that tree grow.

I don't believe in life after death, so it won't matter to me too much what happens to my body. But I would prefer to be worm food, than a load of ashes.

I don't want to be embalmed, and I want my coffien to be made of biodegradable cardboard, no shitty "brass" effect plastic handles!

Would you prefer to be buried or cremated when you pop your clogs?
Thanks! Report It

Reply:Cremated, as it's cleaner and takes up less space.
Reply:cremated - i live in south Africa - at this point if you bury a loved one the chances of having the tomb stone stolen is 100%
Reply:cremated. it just seems better to me to be completely gone ansd not just end up worm food
Reply:I want to donate my body to science.

I may as well be useful after I'm dead, cos im not much use now! Lol

: )
Reply:Cremated i think..... the thought of worm's eating me ewww
Reply:I prefer to be buried,this old woman once said to my mate she does too as she doesn't want be burned to death.She would already be dead anyway wouldn't she,she was serious too.I think she was a bit mental to be honest.pmsl
Reply:i prefer 2b cremated
Reply:Buried at sea viking style.


also refrigerated instead of embalmed
Reply:buried... we already own our final resting places
Reply:cremation is fine with me.....but my mom says NO WAY!!!
Reply:cremated. i always worry about being buried alive - at least if you were cremated alive, it would be quicker i guess than rotting - and there is a chance someone might hear the screams! my children %26amp; the rest of my family have somewhere to go to pay there respects.
Reply:buried but not underground, i want to go in a tomb or mausoleum, then if i wake up i can just get out and walk away.
Reply:cyrogenically frozen just in case.....
Reply:neither one really appeals ......but i will go for cremated but i would not want my ashes scattered anywhere... i would want a resting place my family could visit...
Reply:Cremation at sea.
Reply:I used to think cremated but now I think I'd like to be buried.
Reply:buried fo sho...........

i def don't want to be burnt into many a pieces!!!!!!
Reply:I don't care!!

Put me in a bin bag and throw me on the tip for all it matters to me!

The only condition I have about my 'funeral' is that everyone dresses like a munchkin.
Reply:cremated thank you.sorry i mean buried.
Reply:i'd actualy prefer a viking funeral. you know getting put to sea in a burning long ship
Reply:buried, having my body burnt eweee nooo!

is a basic sin in Natures terms ,and those who get buried like this do not complete the cycle of life breaking the cycle and breaking the law of return (dust to dust),and so end up doomed and double damned.

And cremation also cheats Nature of what belongs to Nature

the remains should go back in to the system-THE LAW OF RETURN

The best morally correct way is to be buried with out a coffin and plant a tree on top and let the maggots eat you .

If it is a fruit tree we would end up with sacred orchards instead of cement Forrest's of crosses,with people buried locked in the remains of dead trees.

So that you return to the concept of life something else eats the maggots, the worms make compost the grass and the tree ,grows from this ,

The cow eats the grass the people eat the cow and the fruits and the cycle of life continues and your spirit is secure to wander the happy hunting grounds for ever and ever in bliss full peace

As long as the death is registered with the local council ,this is legal all over the world .

And I want to be under a Jakaranda tree

Reply:creamated definitly...the thought of being burried underground with other bodies freaks me out! not that i want someone to keep my ashes..thats always seemed a little strange to me too...maybe i'll be scattered somewhere! lol
Reply:Buried, plots ready.


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