Friday, July 31, 2009

Nursing mom w/ recurrent clogged ducts. Will anything help?

I'm nursing my 7 month baby girl. I have the worst time with clogged ducts. They're usually on the right side, but not always. I'm just getting over a bout of mastitis - still on the meds, actually. I had a clog yesterday and was able to 'fix' it with a hot hot shower, manual expression and nursing. Darn if I didn't have another one in the exact same spot when I woke this morning. Ugh! I have to wear a bra at work (obviously), but I usually let them go free when I'm home. I pump at least 4 times a day, and nurse as often as possible. I take 4800 mg of lecithin every day. I've had problems with clogs since the baby was young(er), but it's been much worse over the past few months.

So - has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything that really helps? I do not want to stop nursing, but I've got to find something that will help me. The pain is starting to interfere with my ability to focus on my job, and those pesky bills have to be paid... please help! Nipple covers??

Nursing mom w/ recurrent clogged ducts. Will anything help?
stay away from nipple covers!

Are you wearing an underwire bra? Go to non-underwire. Are you carrying your purse strap against that area? Hold it over your arm. Sleeping against that side? ANYTHING that is putting pressure on that area?

Just for future----get a clean washcloth really wet and fold into 4 making a square. Do not wring out. Put in a ziploc sandwich bag. Put into another ziploc sandwich bag. Microwave for about 10-20 seconds (depending on the power of your micro) and then insert into your bra right over the area. Nobody will even know it is there and you can keep it and keep re-nuking. Massage in circular motion towards the nipple before feeding.z

Good luck and feel better!
Reply:umm iono but I saw this on Nip/Tuck they put a warm cloth on her breast to help the flow of the milk could try it
Reply:Does your bra have under wire? if so that could be the reason. Also make sure that your bra is fitting correctly. If it is even a little to snug it will cause issues. Head to the store and get yourself professionally measured.
Reply:Gosh, I know what you're going through, it is hard but so worth it. I had at least 2 clogged ducts w/each of my 3 kids while nursing them. Perseverance, first of all. I don't know that much about nipple covers, but I don't think that would help. Sounds like you're doing what you should, but I do know that one thing that really helped me was to take a wet wash rag (not dripping), put it in the microwave until it's hot and then massage that on the spot WHILE nursing. So, really, 2 things: wet rag warmed in the microwave and massaging WHILE nursing. I hope this helps and I really feel for you.

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