Friday, July 31, 2009

My 7 year old son covers the toilet seat with toilet paper and then flushes the paper and it clogs.?

He does stand to urinate, but whenever he has to sit for a poop, he refuses to sit unless he can cover the seat with toilet paper.

What should I do?

My 7 year old son covers the toilet seat with toilet paper and then flushes the paper and it clogs.?
I have seen purpose made seat covers that you dispose of in a bin. I think some are elasticated to aid fit but I would think are more expensive.

Who taught him that the seat was dirty , or do you have to ask yourself is the seat dirty and that's why he does this. Sorry If I come over as cheeky , I'm just giving you suggestions. Hope this helps anyway . Good Luck
Reply:My daughter has a phobia with "black" toilet seats. She's almost 13 and will hold it until we find a restroom with a white toilet seat.

Weird huh? I think your other posters have a great idea. If he must have the toilet seat covered with paper. go ahead and buy some toilet seat covers. They are flushable and won't clog. Something in his brain tells him this must be done for whatever reason. You might keep an eye out for any other obsessive, compulsive behavior. He might have an issue that may need to be addressed with the Dr.
Reply:By some toilet seat covers. Sounds like he's heard someone say something that bothers him about using a bare seat. Hey, at least he's using a biodegradable substance. It could be worse!!
Reply:maybe buy him the disposeable antibacterial wet wipes and tell him to always clean the seat then sit on it and give him the child wet wipes to wipe his bottom with instead of toilet paper.
Reply:My cousin from a small age would also do this with the toilet paper, we asked him why and he simply replied because the toilet seat was cold..As he grew up he continued to do this simply out of habit..all the way until he reached his 20s...It does sound a little compulsive but it may not necessarily be about germs on the toilet seat.

Question him try to find out why he does this.
Reply:Tell him to use a rag with some pine o clean on it to wipe the seat if he's so obsessive about germs. And not to waste toilet paper. Also tell him its highlt unlikely he'll contract anything bad in your own home.

He may have a mild form of obsessive compulsive too.
Reply:The two flush system.

Have him go to the bathroom, flush, wipe, flush again.

Hopefully that helps.

Just a thought, perhaps the seat is too cold??? or is it the germs, did he tell you that much???
Reply:i think getting the toilet seat covers "like 4 public bathrooms" would be okay they won't clog the pluming they are very thin and break down fast some bulk supply stores like a SAMS club sells them. Or like they op said buy Clorox wipes tell him he can wipe the germs away BUT HE CAN'T keep putting all that paper in the toilet explain why he can't keep doing that to him.
Reply:Tell him to knock it off.
Reply:I would definitely try what the others have suggested.

If you don't have any success with toilet seat covers or wipes, see a councillor. He may be obsessive compulsive.

Good Luck.
Reply:use the thin toilet paper like scotts ... and get a toilet with a bigger industrial-sized discharge hole ... it makes a big difference trust me... and tell him to flush that puppy as soon as it hits the water before he wipes.
Reply:Buy thin toilet paper, Buy him toilet seat covers. Ask him to use a smaller amount. Its great hes protecting himself.

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